Manuka Honey For Coughs– Manuka Lab UK
Manuka Honey For Coughs

Manuka Honey For Coughs

Manuka Honey For Coughs

Honey has been recommended as a natural cough remedy for coughs by the NHS*. Honey benefits have been discovered since the Roman times, used to heal wounds. It is a safe and effective way to soothe a cough and can be used by everyone over the age one.

When taken orally, honey can help to coat the throat and reduce irritation. It also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce the duration of a cough.

Honey can be taken by the tablespoon or added to tea or warm water. There are no known side effects associated with honey, although it is important to ensure that it is taken in moderation like everything else. 

But if all honey can help with cough, what makes Manuka honey so unique? 

Why Manuka honey for coughs?

Manuka honey has been used for centuries to soothe coughs. It has been used as a natural remedy to reduce the length and soreness of sore throats, colds, and coughs as well as to relieve throat pain caused by laryngitis and hoarseness

This sweet substance is made by bees that pollinate the flowers of a particular type of tree that grows only on small islands of New Zealand. The honeybees travel 6kms to harvest it, then take this nectar back to their hives, where they develop it into our famous Manuka honey.

Due to the travel time, the honey is influenced by the entire ecosystem surrounding the island and not just the flower. “This honey is representative of the environment,” notes John Rawcliffe of Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association.

Safe to say, when you consume sustainably harvested manuka honey, you are getting a nutritional value that’s higher than in most other kinds of honey. And that’s what makes Manuka honey so potent and taste so delicious

Manuka honey is a natural cough remedy that works wonders. Here's how:

The raw, unprocessed form of Manuka honey is antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory—it can be used to soothe everything from sore throats to bronchitis and even earaches. Like other types of honey, manuka honey can also help ease coughing when taken before bedtime or immediately after waking up in the morning.

Manuka honey is rich in anti-fungal properties, so it can help stop the growth of fungus in your throat. This can help reduce the severity and duration of your cough.

Its anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce swelling and inflammation in your mucus membranes, which can help you breathe easier. It can help also reduce the swelling caused by phlegm buildup in your nasal passages.

 Finally, Manuka honey contains strong antioxidants and is a natural antibiotic, which can help fight off bacteria that are commonly known for causing cough.

Where to buy manuka honey in the UK

Due to its popularity, manuka honey has been a victim of contamination and duplicity. The market is swarming with cheaply priced counterfeit manuka honey. So, if you want to enjoy the actual benefits of this potent food derived from New Zealand’s super plant, you must ensure to buy manuka honey that’s labelled MGO and packed in New Zealand.

Manuka Lab sources the best manuka honey in the UK that’s sustainably harvested for rich flavors and quality. Explore our manuka honey range today.


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